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We can help with Industrial Marking and Identification Systems information!  

How can you ensure correct packaging? Do you struggle with downtime related to Packaging Verification Systems equipment and processes?  We will share information and success stories about how you can use Industrial Marking and Identification Systems to focus your energy and efforts on the efficiency of the business. We have insights from industry experts and our partners on the various equipment and technologies available to simplify your challenges. 

Solutions and options covered will include: 

  • Primary package markings 
  • Secondary package markings 
  • Primary Barcode Identification 
  • Secondary Barcode Identification 
  • Turnkey Solutions for offline printing 
  • Printer replacements 
  • Multiple different material marking 

Why ensure correct packaging?

Ensuring the correct product is placed in the correct package is critical in industries such as Food and Beverage and Pharmaceuticals.   

At the most basic of explanation, the product packaging serves to protect the product inside. Packaging must keep the product safe during shipment between the manufacturing facility and the retailer and must prevent damage while the product sits on the shelf. 

To ensure the product inside the packaging aligns with the packaging itself is critical. Without assurance, packaging mistakes resulting in costly recalls can come into play.   

In 2020 56% of food recalls were due to allergens not correctly declared on the packaging. In 2021 45% of recalls were based on the same. This resulted in millions of pounds of food being recalled, which is a costly error in packaging.  

High-Mark Systems offers a stand-alone, and networkable system to achieve 100% inspection of packaging processes at speeds from 10-1500 products per minute. Both Auto ID (Bar Code) and Vision System inspections can achieve results to meet the highest level of quality control on production lines while maintaining efficiency in production. 

These systems also have options for security in restarting by requiring a badge or password read when restarting. These added measures help take human error out of the equations.  

How can we help? 

Contact us to find out how our diverse products, services, and solutions can help your business today.  

Contact us for a one-on-one consultation for Packaging Verification Systems or a quote for a new or upgraded Hitachi UX printer. Many options are available. Let us help you find the right one for your business needs. 

See Packaging Verification System comparisons here. 

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