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Packaging Validation Solution

High Mark Systems has recently installed a Packaging Validation Solution for a leading manufacturer of liquid supplements. They are an up-and-coming brand focused on quality.  

We can help with Industrial Marking and Identification Systems information!  

Do you struggle with downtime related to Packaging Verification Systems equipment and processes?  We will share information and success stories about how you can use Industrial Marking and Identification Systems to focus your energy and efforts on the efficiency of the business. We have insights from industry experts and our partners on the various equipment and technologies available to simplify your challenges. 

Solutions and options covered will include: 

  • Primary package markings 
  • Secondary package markings 
  • Primary Barcode Identification 
  • Secondary Barcode Identification 
  • Turnkey Solutions for offline printing 
  • Printer replacements 
  • Multiple different material marking 

Packaging Validation Solution

High Mark Systems has recently installed a Packaging Validation Solution for a leading manufacturer of liquid supplements. They are an up-and-coming brand focused on quality.  

With a clear bottle and many different components, it is complex, sophisticated packaging. The company found they were devoting increased resources to ensure the products were labeled and packaged correctly. Also ensuring they were adhering to packaging compliance regulations. 

 Avoid costly penalties 

The cost of getting it wrong carries huge penalties including costly repackaging and also potentially lost contracts. Something feared by all food manufacturers. 

High Mark Sytems family over 20 years ago when the founder saw his customers for barcode scanners struggling with Packaging Verification. Including manually and with individual products, not a whole system.  

Simple to use and adaptable 

A major criterion stipulated was the ease of setup. Production runs can be short hence changeover times must be kept to a minimum. The Data Pro line was designed to keep set-up times to an absolute minimum. Product details such as the barcode, name, and also description are stored on the Data Pro. Along with other user-defined fields. To start the system, the operator has two options. The first is to select the product from the list. Or can use a handheld barcode reader to scan the product package – it’s as simple as that. 

Once in production Data Pro reads and checks every 1D and 2D barcode on every product. Production stats are displayed on the touch screen in real-time so managers can see immediately the overall line performance and production statistics. The system could monitor several serial and digital inputs, especially useful in tandem packing lines. 

One Data Pro can handle all the serial inputs from multiple barcode scanners, monitor multiple digital inputs, and also control multiple digital outputs to stop production should an error be detected. 

 Flexible on input: Barcode, image, or also a sensor 

The Data Pro is unique in that in configuration mode it allows the system to “connect” any input to an event. It also uses the result to drive any output. The input could be data from a barcode reader, an image from a camera or even a digital input from a sensor. Simple on-screen menus and drop-down tables provide the means to “connect” devices. No special programming skills are required to use the system. Outputs could be used to stop a conveyor, alert the manager of a defect, or also push off a product for manual review.  

A further feature is the ability to easily network the entire system. The Data Pro can connect to a server that manages all the product data files and configurations centrally. The major benefit is that product data is entered on the server and then distributed on the network automatically. Products can be added, maintained, or deleted from one central point. This feature saves a considerable amount of time and also simplifies ongoing file management.  

The Data Pro has brought a level of security and also checking that enables this supplement company to guarantee their products are exactly what they say they are! It has reduced overheads as less time is spent manually checking the product before it leaves the production site. 

How can we help? 

Contact us to find out how our diverse products, services, and also solutions can help your business today.  

Contact us for a one-on-one consultation for Packaging Verification Systems or a quote for a new or upgraded Hitachi UX printer. Many options are available. Let us help you find the right one for your business needs. 

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