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Checkweighers: Beyond Food Packaging – Unexpected Applications 

Checkweighers are typically known for their role in the food packaging industry, ensuring accurate product weights and meeting legislative requirements. However, their capabilities extend far beyond this primary function. These versatile machines offer a range of benefits in various industries, making them a valuable tool for quality control and process optimization. 

We can help with Industrial Marking and Identification Systems information!  

Do you struggle with downtime related to Packaging Verification Systems equipment and processes?  We will share information and success stories about how you can use Industrial Marking and Identification Systems to focus your energy and efforts on the efficiency of the business. We have insights from industry experts and our partners on the various equipment and technologies available to simplify your challenges. 

Solutions and options covered will include: 

  • Primary package markings 
  • Secondary package markings 
  • Primary Barcode Identification 
  • Secondary Barcode Identification 
  • Turnkey Solutions for offline printing 
  • Printer replacements 
  • Multiple different material marking 

Checkweighers: Beyond Food Packaging – Unexpected Applications 

Checkweighers are typically known for their role in the food packaging industry, ensuring accurate product weights and meeting legislative requirements. However, their capabilities extend far beyond this primary function. These versatile machines offer a range of benefits in various industries. Also making them a valuable tool for quality control and process optimization. 

Here are some of the unexpected ways checkweighers can be utilized: 

  • Counting weight-based items: Instead of relying on manual counting, checkweighers can accurately count items like bolts, screws, or other small parts based on their weight. This significantly improves efficiency and accuracy in production processes. 
  • Checking density or volume of mixtures: By analyzing the weight of a mixture, checkweighers can determine its density or volume. This is particularly useful in industries dealing with liquids and powders, ensuring consistency and quality control. 
  • Weighing items with varying weights: Not every item has a uniform weight. Checkweighers can be programmed to handle a range of weights, making them perfect for tasks like weighing fruits and vegetables or different raw materials. 
  • Checking for missing instructions or leaflets: Missing components in a package can lead to customer dissatisfaction and affect brand reputation. Checkweighers can detect weight discrepancies and identify packages missing any documents or instructions, also  ensuring complete and accurate product delivery. 

Beyond these, checkweighers offer additional benefits: 

  • Reduced product waste: By identifying and rejecting products with weight discrepancies, checkweighers minimize waste and optimize resource utilization. 
  • Improved accuracy and consistency: Checkweighers provide unmatched precision in weight measurement, ensuring consistent quality across production lines. 
  • Enhanced productivity: Automating the weighing process saves time and increases overall production efficiency. 
  • Data gathering and analysis: Checkweighers can collect valuable data on weight trends and process variations. Also enabling continuous improvement and informed decision-making. 


Checkweighers are versatile tools that go beyond simply checking package weight. Their wide range of applications also makes them indispensable for industries seeking to improve quality control, process efficiency, and overall product consistency. As technology advances, the capabilities of checkweighers are bound to expand even further, revolutionizing various manufacturing and also production processes. 

How can we help? 

Contact us to find out how our diverse products, services and solutions can help your business today.  

Contact us for a one-on-one consultation for Packaging Verification Systems or a quote for a new or upgraded Hitachi UX printer. Many options are available. Let us help you find the right one for your business needs. 

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